I Tried

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I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest.  It is a great source of inspiration for some.  For me, it is like an All-You-Can-Eat buffet.  It all looks good when you are walking through the line but the reality is if you try to eat everything you put on your plate you are going to feel overwhelmed.

This leads me to the picture above.  I saw via Pinterest the most adorable little birdfeeder made from a cup and saucer, tied with a charming piece of twine.  I had an odd cup and saucer set and I even made a special trip to JoAnn’s for twine, y’all.  This was huge.  A special, off my beaten path trip for twine.  I was just imagining how charming this little feeder was going to look hanging just outside the window over my sink.  I was even imagining Disney-type bluebirds flying with ribbons in their little beaks.

The instructions called for Gorilla Glue.  We just happened by some miracle to have that in the house.  I carefully applied the glue to the saucer, placed the cup gently on the glue and put it on the never used dining table so that it could dry undisturbed for a couple of days.

Two days later convinced that enough drying time had elapsed I set out to hang it.  Of course the above mentioned twine was not where I left it and a 30 minute search party ensued.  Why can’t the people in this house leave my stuff alone?  The twine was found. (BTW it was in the special hiding place that I had personally hidden it so that no one would take it.  Sorry aforementioned family for the blame).  I cut the twine, attached it to the cup handle and hung it from the tree.  I put bird seed in it.  I took a picture to post on my FB page so all of my 50 FB friends could adore it and “like” it.  Some even asked for directions on how to make their own.  Some even called me “clever”.  I was basking in the glow only a laptop screen can give.  I think I might have seen a double rainbow beyond this lovely creation of mine.

Well, fast forward a day.  The saucer had fallen off, broken on the ground, with only a string and an empty cup to prove this whimsical delight had ever existed.

Pinterest, I am breaking up with you.  It’s not you.  It’s me.  I know that you will meet someone that you will be a perfect match with.  I am just too complicated to have a relationship with right now.  I will think of you fondly and I will longingly look at the photograph of our feeder that we created together from time to time.  I’m just not a good girlfriend for you right now. I wish you the best.

Ta ta for now.  Kiss kiss.

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